Richard's Reference

A Few Handy Public Links for Those Working on "The Hill" and in M.P. Constituency Offices


Finding People

See Also Intranet Links (Only accessible to those on the Parliamentary Intranet)

Finding Government Programs

Finding Government Publications

Finding Help for Constituents

Helping Small Businesses

Helping Immigrants & Visitors

Helping Individual Constituents

See Also: Canada in the World for links to consular and trade information, etc.


Finding Your Way through Parliament

See Also Intranet Links (Only accessible to those on the Parliamentary Intranet)

Finding Tools

See Also Intranet Links (Only accessible to those on the Parliamentary Intranet)

Canada in the World


Search Engines

Other Canajun Links


Surviving in Ottawa

Also on

Ecuador Adventure

A photo exhibition by Richard McGuire of his travels through Ecuador.

Canada's Parliament Buildings

Photos by Richard McGuire of Canada's Parliament Buildings through the seasons.

These photos are protected by copyright. Please inquire about using.

This Reference page was compiled by Richard McGuire © 2000-2010

Please report any broken links, errors, omissions etc. to:

Last Updated December 17, 2019